Daria Rom, Unsplash

tears of incense, a smoky memory

Apr 19, 2022

sometimes it cuts through me

a deep, sharp slice opens my heart

inflicting pain upon me, then

a stab to my tender heart

evoking voiceless screams

brought to my knees,

I cry in remembrance of you


sometimes it towers above me

a warm, assuring presence

guiding me, an affectionate embrace

though fleeting, your warmth

I crave for it, the familiarity of

incense, vanishing smokes of home

my tears an act of sincerity


sometimes I wonder if time has

stitched the wounds of my heart

yet each time my tears stream

it stings, the memory of you

fighting the pain, I follow you

trails of smoke leading to nowhere

chasing the incense of memory.

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